          罵同事「從根爛起」 教授被起訴 帛琉>6k 膠原蛋白聊天室/a/1 澎湖民宿00108/78/1yepo.html You as the Public Court nee 關鍵字排名ds to know that in front of law, every one must be equal, no matter 賣房子he's 教授 or evil doer, therefore, even he's 教授, he must have all his right to curse wh 西裝外套atever like street gangster can, the difference is gangster has no school head can fire him, 教授 can be fired beca 關鍵字行銷use he's too suck to deserve 教授. You are the Court, you can only give your point of view to his school for reference , you must hav 會場佈置e no right to fire him in any way.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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